Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

sup buah


·         200 gr anggur hijau,potong-potong
·         7 buah strawberry,potong-potong
·         1 buah mangga harum manis, potong dadu
·         200 gr melon, potong-potong
·         1 bh naga,kupas, potong dadu
·         200 ml sirup gula
·         10 sdm susu kental manis
·         Es batu sck
Cara membuat:
1.      masukkan dalam wadah, anggur, strewberry,mangga, melon dan buah naga
2.      tambahkan sirup gula, susu kental manis, aduk rata, masukkan es batu, aduk rata.
3.      Masukkan kedalam gelas saji, dan sajikan segera.

2 komentar:

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  2. MGM to spend $1.2 billion on casino's new 'MGM - Dr.MCD
    The 통영 출장마사지 MGM National 거제 출장샵 Harbor casino 제천 출장샵 in Everett, Wash., will 오산 출장샵 spend more than $1.2 billion 안산 출장샵 on new 'MGM' casino games, the company announced Thursday.
